Frans Meijer

Contra verbosos noli contendere verbis; sermo datur cunctis, animi sapientia paucis.

I'm a motivated and creative professional with a passion for technology which knows a thing or two regarding programming languages, networking, databases & all sorts of on-prem and cloud solutions.

Utilizing my expertises, along with my ability to work independently and collaborate effectively within a team, I aim to provide exceptional work and contribute to the success of the organization.

Currently (> April 2023) i'm attending an masterclass within VodafoneZiggo to become a multiskilled Big Data Engineer which in my case is with a focus on AWS infrastructure and security. This website is a result of this journey.

All in all i'm learning everyday and like to solve all the mysteries `the cloud` has to offer ;)




Jr. (Big) Data & Insights (BE) Specialist


Left the JVZ team, started the BDE masterclass
Infra as code, CI/CD
Python, Scala, Typescript, Shellscript

March 2023 - Present

(Big) Data & Insights (FE) Analyst


Websockets were introduced

May 2022 - March 2023

Jr. Reporting Analyst D&I Tribe | Sr. PHP Developer


Switched to another department.
Qlik Sense was integrated into JVZ
SSO with Azure was introduced

January 2021 - May 2022

Expert OEC Fixed | Sr. PHP Developer


Rebranded to `Jouw VodafoneZiggo` JVZ.
Rehomed JVZ to another datacenter.

March 2019 - Jan 2021

Expert E-Services CS B2C & SoHo | Mdr. PHP Developer


Laravel & VueJS were introduced.

January 2018 - March 2019

Expert E-Services | Mdr. PHP Developer


PMT evolved to home brewn PHP framework
Onboarded mechanics for insights
Rebranded PMT from UPC to Ziggo style

January 2017 - December 2017

Junior to senior E-Services | Jr. PHP Developer


I started working with VodafoneZiggo in the contact center which involves interacting with customers or clients over the phone, email, or chat to address their inquiries, provide support, or handle issues. My main task was helping customers via e-mail while learning all the systems and master all the processes & politics that are involved behind the scenes of a customer journey.

In these years i've co-founded a webbased tool called `Performance Management Tool` PMT for short. Which was build in native PHP, JQuery, Highcharts and such on a basic level. This tool provided PI/KPI insights for all contact center guides, teamleads and managers.

November 2012 - Jan 2017


Friesland College

Horeca, Bakkerij & Management

Not Graduated

1998 - 2000

Nijehove College

Consumptieve techniek


1993 - 1998


Programming Languages & Tools
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum


I love exploring the world, embracing the great outdoors, engaging in exciting board games, and having quality time with family are passions that bring joy and fulfillment to my life. These activities and interests provide avenues for adventure, learning, and connection, fostering a well-rounded and vibrant life.

Besides that; in this rapidly advancing digital age, it's hard not to be captivated by the ever-evolving world of technology. From cutting-edge gadgets and innovative software to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, the realm of tech offers an exciting and limitless playground for exploration and learning.

Training & Certifications

  • 2024 March - ML Ops Fundamentals
  • 2024 February - Production Readu Machine Learning
  • 2024 February - Spark ML & Structured streaming
  • 2024 January - Optimizing Spark & Tuning best practices
  • 2023 December - Data science pipeline and tooling
  • 2023 November - AWS infra as code (CDK)
  • 2023 October - Docker & Kubernetes
  • 2023 September - Shell scripting & CI/CD
  • 2023 September - ECS, Fargate & jFrog
  • 2023 August - Kafka and Sprak structured streaming
  • 2023 August - Microservices
  • 2023 July - Production Ready Python
  • 2023 July - AWS Fundamentals: Addressing Security Risk
  • 2023 June - Architecting on AWS
  • 2023 June - Python Basics
  • 2023 May - AWS Cloud Technical Essentials
  • 2023 May - Apache Airflow
  • 2023 May - Relational and NonSQL database course
  • 2023 April - Apache Spark
  • 2023 April - Git the fundamentals
  • 2023 April - Python the essentials
    • ^ Start BDE masterclass ^
  • 2022 July - AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials
  • 2021 June - DevOps CI/CD Overview
  • 2021 June - Working with Jenkins
  • 2020 December - Vue fundamentals
  • 2020 July - Laravel 7 Training
  • 2019 March - Masterclass PHP